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Our foundations


Our foundations

From imagination to realisation

We take responsibility for the environment because we know that our work and our various major projects are relevant to social policy. For this reason, it is important for us to also support charitable organizations.

Naankuse Foundation

The Naankuse Foundation is a conservation charity dedicated to preserving the landscapes, cultures and wildlife of Namibia. Originating as a small wildlife sanctuary nestled in the Namibian bush, Naankuse is now a world-famous conservation organisation.

The Naankuse Foundation Wildlife Sanctuary provides a safe haven and second chance for countless injured, orphaned and conflict animals. They consider it as their mission to preserve the land, cultures and wildlife of Namibia in Africa. They aim to do this by encouraging participation, education and scientific research. We at Necron support them in this endeavor.

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World Central Kitchen

The organisation World Central Kitchen (WCK) responds to natural disasters, man-made crises and humanitarian emergencies around the world. They are the first on the front lines, providing meals to people in need. WCK has developed a new model for disaster relief that helps devastated communities recover and build resilient food systems.

Woman filling food containers

Caring for the planet is
sound business practice”

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The UN Refugee Agency

UNHCR stands for office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. As part of the United Nations, UNHCR works to ensure that people fleeing conflict, persecution and human rights abuses find asylum in other countries and receive protection. We at Necron want to help them to save lives and build better futures for millions forced from home.

For Young Musicians

Swiss Foundation

Necron Group supports the Swiss Foundation for Young Musicians. The Swiss Foundation for Young Musicians supports young, gifted musicians from all over the world on their way to the concert stage. Singers, instrumentalists, composers are all supported, solo or ensemble and classical, jazz or pop. The foundation provides guidance and most importantly, an audience so these young musicians can show their art.

There are a great number of gifted and creative young musicians who are eager to showcase their abilities and projects. This is exactly where the foundation steps in: by organizing concert series, and by doing so giving them the opportunity to play to an interested and engaged audience.

The Foundation’s focus is on the composition of short programs with contemporary and 20th century music. Anything that inspires, encourages interconnection between musicians and demonstrate parallels or contrasts to an audience. Each program is an intensive collaboration with the musicians, regarding both the performance as the promotion. The musicians receive a fee for their performance, and the Foundation helps with audio recordings, video clips and photos for their websites and future promotion.

Sustainable in
every way”

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van Hulley

Van Hulley

Circulair reuse of building materials

During the construction of a projects, no less than 200 square meters of construction canvas is used. As a sustainable, BREEAM-Excellent certified development party, we do not throw away these cloths after delivery, but ensure circular reuse.

Necron has all its construction fabric material circularly upcycled by Vanhulley, where women with a distance to the labor market learn to make the most beautiful items. Result: the construction cloths are transformed into one-of-a-kind fashionable bags, with which Necron makes both a very social and sustainable contribution and thus supports Van Hulley’s mission.

Trees for All

Contributing to creating a greener and healthier planet

At Necron Group, we believe in giving back. Our commitment to environmental responsibility aligns perfectly with Trees for All’s mission to create a greener and healthier planet by planting trees. That’s why partner with Trees for All since July 2023.

This collaboration is more than just a sponsorship; it’s a pledge to contribute to a sustainable future. And to move from words to deeds we rolled up our sleeves and planted the first 400 trees of the Necron Forest with the whole Necron team in December 2023.

Over the course of the next three years, we pledged to plant 40.000 trees in total in The Netherlands and abroad. Together, we can make a difference — one tree at a time.

Planting the Necron Forrest
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